Paver Patio Tips and Tricks

Are you thinking about a paver patio?
Here are some tips to help you decide!

Low Cost
The initial cost will probably be higher than other options, but it is easy maintenance. You will save in the long run because you will not have to re-stain or re-seal it.

Plan for Drainage
It’s important to have a level patio, but you also need to make sure it does have a gentle slope away from your home’s foundation toward an area that can handle additional moisture.

Dig Deep for Best Results
Before you prep the area, call your local utilities to mark electrical, cable, and plumbing lines. Then dig below the root level by a good six inches.

Keep it Weed Free
Use landscaping cloth to create a barrier between the old soil and new base of sand, to minimize any weed growth through your patio.

Create the Base
Pack in the sand or paver base using a whacker plate compactor or tamper. You will need a solid, level, smooth base to lay the pavers.

Keep a Tight Edge
To minimize the movement of your pavers, plan for a good solid edge using extra pavers, a solid cement lip, or vinyl edging.

Make Color Variations Work for You
You will run into a slight color variations in your pavers as not every batch made is identical. Blend varying piles of stone together to make the variance look intentional and avoid a patchwork appearance.

Make Cuts for a Perfect Fit
If you create any sort of pattern you will need to cut some of the stone. A wet saw works great for that.

Pack in the Cracks
Set pavers in place by layering sand over them until cracks are completely full. This will set them in, minimize weeds, and allow for drainage.

Keep Pavers on Hand
Keep a few extra bricks to make repairs easier, you never know when your pavers will be discontinued.